Professional Coaching
“My style of coaching is thought-provoking, engaging and challenging. I listen carefully to your situation and the challenges you face and play back what I hear about where you are and where you want to be. As an individual, I’ll help you create the space and environment you need to get clear. As a team, you’ll have the conversations that you need to have, so that all the team members operate at the top of their game, ensuring that the business will prosper and grow.”
Nathalie Ducrot

Our Appreciative Philosophy of Coaching
The ProOptim approach fosters an atmosphere of trust, respect, optimism, and openness. It assumes that a person’s greatest potential for growth and impact occurs in the areas of their greatest strengths. Participants of all our coaching programs are guided through processes to identify existing strengths, their best past work, and key factors of success, and to leverage them for strengthening targeted areas for competency development.
What to expect from your coaching journey?
- Creative and highly interactive content
- Tailored to specific needs
- Presence and trust
- Energetic, passionate
- Practical, responsive
- Flexible, adaptable
- Visual, provocative and engaging experience
- Excellent return on investment
To put it simply, we’ll help you get out of your own way, so that you can be the best you can be.
Executive Coaching
The core leadership skills necessary for building trust, even – and especially – when handling challenging situations can be learned and mastered.
Outcomes from Team Coaching activities
- High team morale and trust
- Effective Communication
- Essential Motivation
- Constructive conflict
- Creativity and resilience
- Creating value-based cultures
Reflexive Practice for Leaders and HR Professionals is a dedicated space and time to develop your personal capacities to lead with greater clarity, humanity and wisdom in order to assist transformation, to learn how to reflect on experience, to sense what is needed and to lean into the future’s emerging potential.

Coaching Core Competencies
The following eleven core coaching competencies were developed to support greater understanding about the skills and approaches used within today’s coaching profession as defined by the International Coach Federation.
A. Setting the Foundation
1. Meeting Ethical Guidelines and Professional Standards
2. Establishing the Coaching Agreement
B. Co-creating the Relationship
3. Establishing Trust and Intimacy with the Client
4. Coaching Presence
C. Communicating Effectively
5. Active Listening
6. Powerful Questioning
7. Direct Communication
D. Facilitating Learning and Results
8. Creating Awareness
9. Designing Actions
10. Planning and Goal Setting
11. Managing Progress and Accountability
Assessment & 360°
Why use an assessment and/or a 360° multi-rater survey?
- Have a starting point and structure for your coaching journey
- Gain self-awareness and raise your Emotional Intelligence
- Establish a way of measuring success
Using an assessment to identify the current state provides a baseline from which to measure growth. The client has an objective set of data that can show where growth has occurred and where further attention and actions are needed. It is also a robust process to re-assess after the coaching relationship has progressed over a period of time. Which is the best assessment for the client?
A few examples of some on-line of live assessments / 360° we can provide:
- Workplace BigFive
- AssessFirst
- DiSC Profile
- VIA Character
- Insights
- Myers Briggs (MBTI)
- Hogan
We can also adapt to those used by our clients and we will inquire with our coaches and supervisor: What is the best way to use an assessment throughout the coaching relationship?