Talent management
Energy and Stress Comfort Zone
FREE WEBINAR – Spring 2018 from 20h to 21h
” Become the great coach that you are! “ with Nathalie Ducrot, MCC
Are you an experienced coach, credentialed by the International Coach Federation (ICF)? Let us explore what you need to know about Mentor Coaching for ICF Credentials ACC, PCC and MCC and about Coaching Supervision.
The next webinar will be confirmed to you by email when at least 5 participants registered.
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Nathalie Ducrot ‘s latest ebook
« Coaching and Essential Motivation »
An overview of what it takes for leaders, teams and organizations to benefit from coaching and reinforce the Essential Motivation. If you are a leader who takes a holistic approach to change efforts, I know you will find these insights relevant and valuable.
ProOptim will comply with the General Data Protection Regulations 2018. We will only use your information to answer your specific request and will not hold your personal data on file.
How can we help you connect with the expert you need ?
Initial conversation with Nathalie Ducrot, ProOptim Managing Director.
ProOptim has the capacity to bring together a senior level, multicultural workforce with facilitators from IAF and accredited Coaches from ICF. We can serve clients in regions and countries where they work using their preferred language.
ProOptim will comply with the General Data Protection Regulations 2018. We will only use your information to answer your specific request and will not hold your personal data on file.
Discover our books or buy them on our Publications page.
In English:
Professional Coaching – Is it Time to Hire a Coach? 10 practical questions & answers to help you decide
In French:
Un coach peut-il m’aider et comment?
MOTIVATION: le déclic
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How can we help you connect with the expert you need ?
Initial conversation with Nathalie Ducrot, ProOptim Managing Director.
We will only use your information to answer your specific request and will not hold your personal data on file.
Essential Motivation
If you want to impact others positively, your motivation must be apparent, great, personal.
Impact others positively.

What are the benefits of Essential Motivation?
- Define motivation in a manner that is consistent with scientific evidence
- Improve your style of leading and managing
- Identify key psychological, social, and biological factors that relate to motivation
- Understand the relationship between motivation and «soft skills», such as altruism and gratitude
- Create a supportive team spirit as well as a fun, positive climate in the workplace
- Explain why engaging in or practicing certain kinds of activities can boost motivation
- Apply lessons from positive & social psychology to their personal and professional lives, enhancing their self-understanding
- Practice research-tested techniques for boosting their own motivation
- Define motivation
- Identify key factors
- Create a supportive team spirit
- Apply lessons from positive & social psychology
- Practice research-tested techniques
“Managers and Leaders perform better once they have understood that it is within their power and control to motivate each member of their team to excel.”
Nathalie Ducrot
Why Essential Motivation matters?
All employees are unique in what motivates them to perform to their capacity and excel in their profession. Most will do what is expected of them, but the motivated employee will go to great lengths to exceed expectations. The key is for managers to discover what truly drives their people. Once their motivation is understood, leaders have the power to get the most out of their employees.
Managers often feel there is no need to motivate their employees as long as the pay is adequate. Yet research has demonstrated that the majority of personal motivation is based upon a host of other significant factors such as achievement, recognition, responsibility, personal growth, and advancement.
Compensation is certainly a motivating factor, but it is often linked to the prime motivators. A poorly designed compensation plan will cause employees to feel unappreciated as it won’t reflect their personal achievements. Consequently, many employees perceive their compensation to reflect their level of recognition by the organization.
All employees are unique in what motivates them to perform to their capacity and excel in their profession. The key is for managers to discover what truly drives their people. Once their motivation is understood, leaders have the power to get the most out of their employees.
Research has demonstrated that personal motivation is based upon factors such as achievement, recognition, responsibility, personal growth, and advancement.
“As a coach and learning facilitator, I have often observed that our common longing for a better life, which prompts us to be more successful, be a better leader, find a better job, etc. is never totally satisfied merely by fulfilling those desires. I believe it reflects a deeper, spiritual need for something more meaningful. Living with Essential Motivation takes us a step in this direction. It is also a powerful force for bringing out the best in ourselves and in others.”
Nathalie Ducrot

Intrinsic Factors
Who is Essential Motivation for?
- Managers – newly hired – middle and/or senior
- High Potentials
- Leaders
- Team players
- HR Managers
- Coaches
People are centrally concerned with motivation — how to move themselves or others to act. Everywhere parents, teachers, coaches, and managers struggle with how to motivate those that they mentor. Individuals struggle to find the energy, mobilize effort and persist at the tasks of life and work. People are often moved by external factors such as reward systems, grades, evaluations, or the opinions they fear others might have of them. Yet, just as frequently, people are motivated from within, by interests, curiosity, care or abiding values. These intrinsic motivations are not necessarily externally rewarded or supported, but nonetheless they can sustain passion, creativity, and great efforts. The interplay between the extrinsic forces acting on persons and the intrinsic motives and needs inherent in human nature is the territory of Essential Motivation.
- Managers
- High Potentials
- Leaders
- Team players
- HR Managers
- Coaches
People are centrally concerned with motivation — how to move themselves or others to act. People are often moved by external factors such as reward systems, grades, evaluations, or the opinions they fear others might have of them. Yet, just as frequently, people are motivated from within, by interests, curiosity, care or abiding values. The interplay between the extrinsic forces acting on persons and the intrinsic motives and needs inherent in human nature is the territory of Essential Motivation.
How can we support your Essential Motivation?
Nathalie Ducrot and the ProOptim team address the need for Essential Motivation with a systemic approach involving the individual, the team and the organization.
By focusing on the positive neurosciences trends of Essential Motivation, Nathalie Ducrot designs highly personalized programs to address the central questions of why and how people do what they do and how to promote best practices and implement new behaviors.
Our customized learning solutions combines one-to-one coaching, group coaching, team building, co-working and co-development in addition to our experiential approach including keynote speaking, facilitation and training.
By focusing on the positive neurosciences trends of Essential Motivation, Nathalie Ducrot designs highly personalized programs.
Our customized learning solutions combines one-to-one coaching, group coaching, team building, co-working and co-development in addition to our experiential approach including keynote speaking, facilitation and training.
“However, we define it, Essential Motivation is a highly subjective experience and each person is the judge of his/her Essential Motivation. This is why our task is first to ask questions. What are the critical behaviors that managers must master to engage with their employees? What best practices employees can implement? How do they approach motivation and engagement? And what are organizations doing to support leaders at all levels?”
Nathalie Ducrot

Our Services





- Executive Coaching
- Assessment – 360
- Group Coaching
- Team Building
- What is Coaching

- Building coaching skills for managers and leaders
- Conflict resolutions
- Communication skills
- Emotional Intelligence
- Public Speaking

- Strategic Thinking
- Implementing Coaching Culture
- What is coaching?
- Assessments

- Mentoring for ICF Credentialing
- Coaching Supervision for coaches
- Group coaching for Internal coaches
- What is mentoring?
- What is coaching supervision?
- Reflexive Practice for HR professionals and leaders